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Incredibox Wiki

Beats, formerly known in The Original as "Percussions", are the first category in every version and make percussion sounds.

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The Original[]

In The Original, Beats are known as "Percussions" and are the second of five categories. like the other sounds they all have black t-shirts with their icons.

  • Lead: Beatboxes and makes a bass sound.
  • Deux: Beatboxes with bass sounds and makes a helicopter type sound at the end of the loop.
  • Kosh: Makes clicking noises and inhaling sounds.


V1beats palette

The beats in Alpha all have black t-shirts like the other sounds and appear grayscale.

  • Lead: Beatboxes and makes a bass sound.
  • Deux: Beatboxes without bass sounds and makes a helicopter type sound at the end of the loop.
  • Kosh: Makes clicking noises and inhaling sounds.
  • Shpok: Makes popping sounds.
    • Shpok had formerly been an effect in The Original.
  • Tom: Goes "doogedydoogedydoogedydoom" at the end of the loop. The sound also goes from the left, to the right.

Little Miss[]

V2beats palette

All beats in Little Miss are grayscale and have caps and the icons have circular shapes that were formerly faded from Japanese Laurel to inch worm in the Flash version of Little Miss.

  • Boom: Wears an open hoodie. His sound plays once for the first round of the loop and plays twice for the second one. The sound he makes sounds like a steam pounder. The sound he makes is 'Boom boom boom...'
  • Kashi: Wears an open collar button shirt. His sound is the same for both loops. The sound he makes snare sounds like: "Kashi-tch ka pfu Kashi-tch ka.
  • Paomeu: Wears a hoodie. Unlike Boom, his hoodie is a sweater. The inside of the hood is visible. He makes rapid clicking noises throughout his sound along with beats and clicks. People believe this is an acidic beatbox.
  • Ptttpeu: Wears an open sweater-like shirt, with a dot on the side. He beatboxes with a smooth snare and a clean beat.
  • Slupttt: Wears a necktie shirt similar to Ptttpeu. He takes a deep breath and makes a sound of "Bo-do-do-do-docahhh... Dum doum dum.


V3beats palette

The beats in Sunrise have shamrock hip-hop outfits with a black secondary color. The beats in Sunrise are also the first to be featured in color.

  • Ballet: Has headphones, a shirt, a backpack, and a beanie. His beatboxes and sounds like ch-k-ch, ch-k-kchch.
  • Kick: Has a hoodie and a baseball cap. He makes a repetitive kick sound.
  • Snare: Has a backward cap, sunglasses, a necklace with a record and a tank top over a black t-shirt. He makes a snare sound.
  • Lead: Wears ski goggles, has a hoodie and beatboxes in smooth beats and snares. The "Boots and cats" beatbox but softer.
  • Charley: Wears what is similar to 3D glasses, a shirt and has a bandana around his neck. He beatboxes by inhaling and exhaling and making cymbal impressions.

The Love[]

V4beats palette

The color theme of this version's Beats is bright sun with a hint of Blumine.

  • Kick: Has a robot outfit similar to Thomas Bangalter of the music duo Daft Punk. He makes a robotic kick beat in 4/4, and makes 16 kicks per loop. At the end of the second loop, Kick will stop at the 13th note, wait a measure, then will fill in the 14th, 15th, and 16th notes.
  • Snare: Has a baseball cap with a record symbol on, headphones around his neck, and a vest. He makes a snare sound that goes like "push" that stops at the end of the loop.
  • Touti: Has a fedora, sunglasses, and a bandana. He sings touti-touti-touti toutidido-touti touti-touti-toutidido.
  • Charley: Wears headphones and a t-shirt with an equalizer symbol. He does repetitive hi-hats.
  • Chatom: Wears a straw hat, sunglasses, and a small jacket. He makes an exhaling sound at the beginning of the verse, followed by a quick little scat. Then he makes two scats together and the last scat will go before the exhaling sound.


V5beats palette

The color of Brazil's beats is bright sun, with a hint of green pea.

  • Poum: Wears a baseball cap with a toucan symbol on it. He has a vest and a watch on his wrist. He makes a kick beat, similar to the beats from Sunrise and The Love.
  • Creuki: Wears square sunglasses, a t-shirt, and a Bandana around his neck. He also has a small four-pointed star tattooed on his right cheek (a nod to Brazilian rapper and funk singer MC GuimĆŖ). He makes a Cabasa noise.
  • Shaka: Wears a sweatband, pill earrings, and a Brazilian football shirt (inspired by Neymar). The sound he makes is: "tikitikitakattikitikitatakitiki" repetitively.
  • Chouk: Wears a bucket hat and a yellow to green patern tank top. He says "chouk chuku chouk chuku chouk chuku" repetitively as well.
  • Kaliak: Wears a visor, A hoodie and a necklace. He also makes cabasa sounds. He perfectly is in harmony with Creuki.


V6beats palette

Alive has beats that all wear any type of hat and have a color scheme of scooter with a hint of Alizarn crimson.

  • Kick: Wears a baseball cap with the Japanese flag that expands whenever he makes a beat. He is wearing a bandana around his neck and a shirt with rope straps on his shoulders. He does a kick beat. Unlike the others, he makes beats in a pattern. The pattern is the same as the first melody's bass pattern.
  • Snare: Wears a bucket hat and a Happi coat. He makes a trap beat. he starts by making "t-t-t" sound with a snare. At the end of the loop, his eyeballs change direction every time he makes a "t" sound, and during the snare, his eyeballs cross.
  • Kanye: Wears a bear hat with fur behind. A cape and a shirt with a red and blue pill (a reference to the 1988 animated film Akira.) The bear's eyes light up whenever he makes a beat. He makes "pum-pum-ka-pum" sounds.
  • Tuctuc: Wears a kitsune/anbu mask and a suit with a patterned undershirt. He makes clicking sounds.
  • Break: Wears a visor and a suit with two things wrapped around him. He makes "badum-badum-badum boom" sounds as a drum after every loop.


V7beats palette

Jeevan has beats which have a color scheme of orange with a hint of screamin' green.

  • Lead: Wears a turban that looks like a pumpkin and also has a mustache and a goatee. He makes pounding sounds similar to a hand drum. He seems to be wearing an orange vest and dark dark green undershirt.
  • Pouin: Wears a headband-ish turban with a loop tied around the back, a bindi on his forehead, and has a towel-like garment wrapped around his body. He makes a scat sound then he acts like a bell.
  • Tung: Wears a giant hat. He seems to have a gold and bead necklace and is wearing a towel over his shoulder. He makes snare sounds that go like "dnka dnk tnk tnk dnka dnk tnk tnk" repetitively.
  • Tabla: Wears aviator sunglasses, a teardrop shaped bindi, a mustache, a gold necklace, and a kurta. He makes repeated tabla sounds.
  • Tuduki: Seems to wear a Pheta turban equipped with two gears on the side and with a long tail. He equips a collared kurta sporting dark orange and green surrounded by black. He makes a fast drum sound.


V8beats palette

Dystopia has beats that have a color scheme of mineral green with a hint of bamboo, like every other sound.

  • Atlanta: Has a jacket with a vest and a helmet with a gas mask with his mouth visible, he makes kick, snare, and a "k" inward snare sound. His file name used to be "Drumatlanta" according to one of the teasers for Dystopia.
  • Tuctom: A Morse box that resembles HAL 9000 from the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. It makes clicking noises and Tom noises with hi-hats.
  • Foubreak: Wears a robotic suit with a triangular mouth, he goes ā€œda doum, ts, (static) doum-doum kahtu! ts-dum doom... fritiktetiotituda da dooom!".
  • Koukaki: Wears a futuristic suit and has a pyramid inside a dome in his head with robot goggles, he goes "koukaki, koukaku" on loop.
  • Koungou: Wears a robotic visor and a log-sleeve shirt with transparent woot, he goes like "Koungou koungou" repeatedly.


  • Boo 9: Boo 9 has a cap with a familiar eye. He does a kick sound done 3 times then 4 in loop 1 and 4 then 3 in loop 2.
  • Kevin: Kevin has a backwards cap and a star tatoo under his eye which is also seen in brazil. He does a snare sound that is done 4 times in loop 1 and 3 times in loop 2.
  • Double K: Double K has a headband and a coat with yellow sleeves. He does a tom drum sound that goes like a reapeating kokogoukokogoo.
  • Blue GT: Blue GT has a blue jacket and a yellow necklace. He does click sounds like ke ke ke ke ka ko ko ko ko ko ku... ku ko ku.
  • MJ 182: MJ 182 Has sunglasses that make his eyes look yellow and a black shirt with an alien. He does spraypainting like sounds like Ssss Ssss Sss Sssssss Ahhhhhhh.... Ahhhhhh.

Bite-Size Beats[]

BSBbeats palette

In Bite-Size Beats all sounds are categorized with a set of accessories depending on the character it is placed on, the accessory for beats are caps.

  • Ms. Brown: Tch kah kah- chi kah kah- chi kah kah-
  • Red M&M: Kick sounds that sound more like chikkis.